Sinn Féin announces frontbench reshuffle to 'lead party into next general election'

Sinn Féin Announces Frontbench Reshuffle To 'Lead Party Into Next General Election'
Mary Lou McDonald has made 10 changes as part of her reshuffle. Photo: PA
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Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has announced changes to her frontbench team.

Ms McDonald has made 10 changes as part of her reshuffle, though housing spokesperson Eoin Ó Broin and health spokesperson David Cullinane will remain in the same positions.


Ms McDonald said: “This is the team that will lead Sinn Féin into the next general election – a team full of talent, experience and ambition and bursting with the energy to deliver; a team that is ready to deliver change in government.

“As we enter the last quarter of this Government, it is clear that Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are out of ideas and out of ambition. The longer they remain in office the more damage they will do. That is why we need change and a general election as soon as possible.”

As part of the reshuffle both Sorca Clarke and Pa Daly will come onto the frontbench for the first time where they will take on the education and justice portfolios.

Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire will move to the social protection portfolio from education.


Having served as an MEP in the European Parliament, Matt Carthy has been moved to the foreign affairs portfolio, while Claire Kerrane is to take on the agriculture brief.

Ms McDonald said: “Rose Conway-Walsh takes on the public expenditure and reform portfolio having previously served on the Oireachtas Finance Committee.

"Indicative of Sinn Féin’s plan for a step change in research and development to make it the driver for the next generation of jobs, Mairéad Farrell will take on the higher education, innovation and science brief bringing to that portfolio her experience of the public expenditure and reform portfolio, as well her expertise in economics."

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Ms McDonald said that Sinn Féin believes that climate and transport should be now taken as stand-alone portfolios. Therefore, Darren O’Rourke will continue to hold the environment and climate brief while Martin Kenny takes on transport and communications.


"Similarly, we believe that youth and integration need a standalone focus and John Brady will bring his considerable knowledge of these areas to this brief," she said.

Louise O’Reilly, Kathleen Funchion and Imelda Munster will remain in their current briefs. Pádraig Mac Lochlainn will continue as Sinn Féin chief whip.

Pearse Doherty will also remain as finance spokesperson as Ms McDonald said "he has shown that he will be the finance minister that ensures a government for change delivers on priority areas such housing and health.”

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