Protesters disrupt children's storytelling event at Co Kerry library

Protesters Disrupt Children's Storytelling Event At Co Kerry Library
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Anne Lucey

A children’s reading event to mark Pride in Co Kerry was disrupted by protesters who left library staff "shaken and upset".

Around 20 adults and children were attending the storytelling at Tralee’s main library today when a group of five protesters entered the room, shouting their disapproval of the LGBTQ+ event.


Gardaí were called to remove the protesters and restore order, and sources said the attendees of the event were upset by the demonstration.

A statement from Kerry County Council said: "A family story-time event was taking place as part of Kingdom Pride Week.

"The event was disrupted by a number of protesters who were invited to leave the library."

Gardaí are trying to establish if the disruption is linked to other similar incidents, particularly in Cork, where library staff were intimidated by protesters voicing opposition to children's reading materials on LGBTQ+ issues.


They believe the Co Kerry Pride event was deliberately targeted in an organised manner.

Kingdom Pride Week is taking place all this week and includes events in Listowel, Killarney, and Tralee.

Thursday's storytelling event was entitled 'Prince and Knight'.

After gardaí arrived, the protesters dispersed and the event went ahead as scheduled.


In a statement, gardaí said: "Gardaí attended the scene of a public order incident that occurred in a library in Tralee, Co Kerry, shortly before 1pm.

"Gardaí are conducting enquiries into all the circumstances surrounding this matter. No arrests have been made at this time and enquiries are ongoing."

Cork protests

Earlier this week, Cork’s city councillors urged garda management to crack down on far-right agitators who are targeting public library staff.

The city’s main library on Grand Parade had to close for the first time in more than a century last March amid fears of a protest, and was closed again last Friday during another rally.

The use of injunctions and new bylaws is being considered as part of a wider response to increasing protections for staff of the central library, but several councillors urged gardaí to take a much stronger stance against those involved in the "bullying and intimidating" protests.

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